Strengthen Your Relationship

In just four short weeks, I will teach you valuable skills needed to improve and sustain your relationship. These skills will allow you to communicate more effectively, resolve conflict, and strengthen emotional intimacy. Together, we'll explore unwanted patterns in your relationship that may perpetuate conflict, and I will guide you and your partner through a transparent process of healing.

What are you waiting for? Let's get started today.

Don't Trust Me, Trust the Research...

The lessons throughout this course are structured around decades of research in relationship therapy. Dr. John Gottman, Ph.D., along with Dr. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., are gold standard couples interventionists and researchers. They paved the way for modern-day couples counselors, and continue to improve the clinical field through ongoing research and training.

The exercises that you will complete throughout this course are based on proven methods backed by clinical research. They are exercises that I complete with clients during couples therapy, and I encourage clients to continue incorporating these strategies in their relationship outside of session.

Active Listening

Active listening is the foundation of effective communication, yet our own emotions tend to interfere with our ability to truly listen to our partner. Active listening prepares us to communicate "I see you" and "I hear you" to our partners through subsequent action.


A productive repair requires compromise.

As a couple, you will have to negotiate individual needs to better the relationship and reach resolution. This discussion requires couples to employ empathy and validate their partner's experience, even if (and when) they disagree.

Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy describes the connectedness of the relationship and contributes to emotional safety. It is the core of a relationship and separates true love from mere attachment. Without emotional intimacy, couples can expect to feel disconnected and "on edge" around one another.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Still Not Convinced?

Check out my Instagram, @lauracaruso.therapy. If any of my posts resonate with you, then I promise—you will appreciate this course.

In fact, I am so confident you will gain something valuable from this course that I am willing to meet virtually with any couples who feel they were unsatisfied with the course. Together, we'll analyze the strengths and areas for growth in your relationship to determine what type of support would better suit your needs.