We Feel So Aligned

"Oh my gosh, THANK YOU LAURA! The 30-Day Relationship Upgrade course helped my fiancé and I center ourselves and reminded us of why we fell in love in the first place. It Is so clear that our values align, and your course helped us realize that."

 - RM & EM

We're Getting Engaged!!

"Months ago we doubted if we were ready to get engaged. Now we look forward to our relationship check ins and weekly date night. We can't wait to take our relationship to the next step and celebrate our engagement with our families this summer!"

- SK & GD

I Found My Person

"I am so glad I found your therapy page on Instagram. I've used so many of your free dating resources and finally found my IDEAL PARTNER after years of dating unsuccessfully. I was tired of getting my heart broken and took control back."

- JS

Disrupting modern

dating culture.

Tired of dating all the wrong people? Want to learn how to communicate your needs without begging? I help singles & couples unlearn decades of social programming to break free from modern dating norms, pursue deeper connection, and aim for emotional availability.

Together, my clients and I are refining the ways in which we approach connection and pursuing ideal partnerships rooted in emotional intimacy. I call myself a refined relationship expert, because—in a modern world of immediate gratification and superficial connection—I am leading individuals and couples to relationships with depth.

Advice Column

Weekly advice column for all of your burning questions about dating, relationships, sex, and mental health, hosted on the Elevate blog.

Elevate Blog

A global community for like-minded humans embracing higher consciousness in a modern, superficial world. The Elevate blog provides regular content for introspection and self-improvement.

Emotionally Available Pod

#EmotionallyAvailable is a weekly podcast featuring guests from all over the world sharing their experiences with higher consciousness to encourage introspection. Listen on all platforms here.